Five Types of Sexual Abuse
According to statistics, one in every four men and one in every three women have been subjected to some type of physical sexual abuse at some time during their lifetime. It is believed that these statistics are lower than the actual rate of sexual abuse simply became so many people fail to report that they are victims. Additionally, these statistics only cover one of five different types of sexual abuse or physical sexual violence.
Our law firm is committed to helping people get justice after experiencing the trauma of sexual abuse. Understanding that abuse is real and that there are several forms can help on your journey of recovery.
Types of Sexual Abuse

In general, there are five different types of sexual abuse that we see impacting victims in Boston and across the state of Massachusetts. These include:
- Verbal sexual abuse: This type of abuse includes both written and spoken words. This abuse expresses, evokes, or implies sexual content toward a victim. Crude humor and other types of verbal sexual abuse are prevalent in the workplace, in homes, and across social settings.
- Covert sexual abuse: This type of abuse can occur without the knowledge of a victim. It can include photography, social media stocking, observing another person, and sexual cyber-harassment. Perpetrators will attempt to get some form of sexual satisfaction from the victim without their knowledge.
- Visual sexual abuse: Being exposed to unwanted sexual content visually is a form of abuse. This can include unwanted or uninvited exposure to sexting/airdropping, nudity, or sexually explicit images.
- Physical sexual abuse: This type of abuse includes any non-consensual touching, fondling, tickling, kissing, physical restraint, and any other physical contact made in a sexual manner or to the victim’s sex organs.
- Ritualistic sexual abuse: This type of abuse is often blended with some form of ritual or spirituality. In some instances, perpetrators will attempt to encourage or justify their actions as an act of worship or penance to the victim. This form of sexual abuse can include genital mutilation, child marriage, incest rituals, or even incantations during abuse.
It is important to recognize that not every type of sexual abuse includes physical contact. However, non-physical sexual abuse can be incredibly violating for victims. Should you be the victim of any form of sexual abuse, you must seek legal guidance right away. You may have legal options available to help you get justice. Working with a sexual abuse lawyer in Massachusetts can make a big difference in your chances of getting justice.
For decades, attorney Durso at the Law Office of Carmen L. Durso has fought to protect the legal rights of victims in Boston and across the state of Massachusetts who have been sexually abused, harassed, or assaulted. Our law firm is deeply committed to helping each of our clients get the justice they need and gain closure to help them move forward from their traumatic experiences.
Contact our Massachusetts sexual abuse law firm by calling 617-728-9123 to see how we can help you.